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BAWIFM offers networking opportunities at our monthly meeting events but also several co-ed mixers several times a year.

Recent co-ed Mixers in 2008 have included:

A co-ed Mixer with The San Francisco Chapter of the Producer's Guild of America and a co-ed Mixer night at Kelly's Mission Rock.

Visit our Events Page and Calendar to see when our next Co-Ed Networking Events will be and see below for examples of previous Networking events.

Amy Jacobson Kurokawa and Simone Nelson at BAWIFT August Mixer Amy Jacobson Kurokawa and Simone Nelson at BAWIFT August Mixer

BAWIFT has been asked by the San Francisco Chapter of The Producer's Guild of America (PGA) to co-present their own monthly Mixer Event
"Thirsty Thursday"
this month.

This is a MEMBERSHIP ONLY EVENT for registered BAWIFT Members and PGA Members and if you haven't joined BAWIFT yet as a member
for all the great benefits and reasons we offer - add this one to the list...

This is a great opportunity to meet, mix, and mingle with members of The San Francisco Chapter of the PGA. Come meet fellow PGA and Bay Area Women in Film and Televison members at this month's Thirsty Thursday, 9/4. I

It will be a great way to get to know your fellow members and members of another professional media organization in the Bay area.

By the way, you're welcome to bring a guest, too!

Join us:
Thursday, September 4th from 6:30pm-8pm
DaDa SF Studio, 86 Second Street,
San Francisco, CA 94105

Thirsty Thursdays are informal, which means that though we will be there, you're on your own for food and drinks.

come to this exciting event, join BAWIFT as a Member or renew your expired membership click here

We hope we'll see many of you on September 4t h for this first ever gathering of SF PGA Members & BAWIFT Members

Scenes from BAWIFT's Successful
August Co-Ed Mixer

Attendees Enjoying the water, view and company at BAWIFT's August Mixer
Attendees Enjoying the water, view and company at BAWIFT's August Mixer
Filmmaker Sheila Ganz with Ami Zins, Director of Mixer Event-goers enjoying the evening
the Oakland Film Office at August Mixer

All photos by Don Schwartz

BAWIFT's first co-ed Mixer, held at Kelly's Mission Rock Cafe in San Francisco on a warm August summer evening(really it was warm!) by the water was a huge success.

Thanks to all who came out for a relaxing and fun evening of food, drink, great views, new and old friends & acquaintances and a great shmooze-athon!

Dozens of local men and women in media and their friends and significant others stopped by to enjoy the sunset on the water and meet the
ever growing and always supportive BAWIFT Community.

Attendees Enjoying the water, view and company at BAWIFT's August Mixer

BAWIFT Board Members at August Mixer - from Left to Right:
Rachel Caplan, Sonia El-Feki, Simone Nelson, Michele Turnure-Salleo
and Ondine Kilker

Amy Jacobson Kurokawa and Simone Nelson at BAWIFT August Mixer

Amy Jacobson Kurokawa, head of the SF PGA Chapter with
BAWIFT Board President, Simone Nelson

Bay Area Women In Film and Media is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization All contents (c) BAWIFM 2003-2009 unless otherwise noted