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Bay Area Women in Film and Television (BAWIFT)
by Don Schwartz

Simone Nelson said it to me at least twice: Only 6% of registered filmmakers are women. And, as BAWIFT Board President, Nelson knows that this iconic statistic is only one of many flashing red lights that illuminate the profound need for a larger and stronger presence of women in media. To that end, the industry is lucky to have Women in Film and Television - not one organization, but three - Bay Area, national, and international. And on August 13, Bay Area Women in Film and Television (BAWIFT) held a departure from its regular monthly restricted membership meeting - a 'Co-ed Mixer and Schmooze-fest.'

The event was a resounding success, attended by more than 60 media professionals at the newly-renovated Mission Rock Cafe, a fine restaurant and nightclub on the waterfront in San Francisco. The weather and shoreline views were perfect, and local celebs in attendance included Oakland Film Office Director Ami Zins, and Amy Jacobsen Kurokawa, Chair of the Northern California chapter of the Producers Guild of America.

This mixer is part of BAWIFT's overall initiative to grow the organization, and to increase its presence and influence throughout the Bay Area's media community. Indeed, the organization's three core values are furthering women's creative achievement in film, video, and related media arts; maintaining a supportive and collaborative community of women in the Bay Area; and a continuing dedication to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity.

With those values in mind, BAWIFT's future includes expanding both the Board of Directors and overall membership, securing paid staff, and deepening organizational connections throughout the Bay Area - as well as with the national and international Women in Film and Television organizations. And the plan is working: BAWIFT members have received an invitation to join an upcoming mixer put on by the San Francisco Chapter of the Producers Guild of America.

For more information:

Posted on Sep 08, 2008 - 12:56 PM


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Bay Area Women In Film and Media is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization All contents (c) BAWIFM 2003-2009 unless otherwise noted